Service nsw correctional centre. mrrc-visitsprocessing@dcj.

Service nsw correctional centre The Complex is located in the Hunter Valley, 151km north-west of Sydney and includes Hunter and Shortland correctional centres. You can also contact the Correctional Centre directly and request to speak to a Services and Programs Officer (SAPO). 1 Five years on from our first inspection of JMCC it was interesting to observe Jan 10, 2025 · Bathurst Correctional Centre is a mixed-security facility for male offenders located 210 kilometres west of Sydney. It is part of the Francis Greenway Correctional Complex (formerly John Morony Correctional Complex), which is located 5km south of Windsor. The centre is located 40km from Oberon and approximately 235km southwest of Sydney. We May 7, 2024 · Get the address, phone number and other contact details for Correctional centres (Custodial Corrections). Key Takeaways To locate an inmate in NSW, contact Location - Metropolitan Special Programs Centre -Long Bay Correctional Complex. Please note that if you wish to use JUST Connect to contact an adult in custody at a correctional centre, you will first need to obtain a Visitor Identification Number (VIN). 30pm, Mon-Fri Alcohol & Drug Information Service 22 Bathurst and Junee has been successfully managed by GEO on behalf of Corrective Services NSW since opening in 1993. Travel from the Wellington Train Station is available by contacting the Wellington Passenger Service on 0475 473 833. Inmates can participate in part-time basic education classes which are offered at all correctional centres. The MRRC is one of 3 correctional facilities that make up the Silverwater Correctional Complex also located on site are Silverwater Women's and Dawn De Loas correctional centres. Library@CSNSW services are available to all staff in Corrective Services NSW, inmates of NSW correctional centres, and to other users on request. Belconnen Remand Centre. It is located at Aldavilla, 455 km north of Sydney and 14 2 days ago · Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build safer communities. Find a 2 days ago · Amber Laurel Correctional Centre; Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; Clarence Correctional Centre; Compulsory Drug 2 days ago · This page contains information about how the chaplaincy service functions in NSW correctional centres and international conventions that address correctional centre issues as they relate to chaplaincy services. Address CPSU NSW GPO Box 3365 Sydney NSW 2001 Newsletter Signup Get the latest information and news delivered to your email inbox. It manages newly arrested or charged inmates as well as those who Amber Laurel Correctional Centre; Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; The MHSU is jointly run by Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) and Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (JH&FMHN) using a multidisciplinary approach. Phone (02) 6840 2800. Having family and friends visit provides critical support to an inmate Jan 3, 2025 · Long Bay Correctional Complex is located 14km south of Sydney's central business district. The General Manager of a correctional centre may approve a deposit greater than $100 to cover an inmate's external medical and/or educational costs. Shortland Correctional Centre - a maximum-security facility for male Apr 26, 2023 · The Health services in NSW correctional facilities report was tabled in March 2021 and included 50 recommendations to improve health services in all adult custodial facilities in NSW. The Inspection of Parklea Correctional Centre report (PDF , 1. Although it can be stressful to visit a correctional facility the first time, ensuring that everyone has positive, safe and secure visits is our priority. In custody. “This new name pays tribute to the bravery and commitment of correctional officer Geoffrey Pearce, who sadly died in 1997 after after being stabbed 3 days ago · Broken Hill Correctional Centre is a medium and minimum-security facility for male and female offenders. A separate minimum security 6 days ago · Corrective Services NSW Commissioner Peter Severin announced the Outer Metropolitan Multi-Purpose Correctional Centre near Windsor, would now be known as the Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre. (CADL numbers in the 20s Services NSW 21 Only from centres with women 02 8745 6900 9am-1pm, 2pm-4. Recommendations. If you want to give us mental health information only, call Justice Health NSW 2 days ago · Bathurst Correctional Centre is a mixed-security facility for male offenders located 210 kilometres west of Sydney. Your role. Alternatively, you can contact the Correctional Centre on Visit booking days by calling on 02 6840 2871 or 02 6840 2800, Mondays to Wednesdays between the hours of 8am and 3pm or email WellingtonCCAdmin@dcj. The Centre is located in South Nowra, approximately 168km south of Sydney. 2 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) has made it easier to deposit money into inmate accounts by using BPAY or by making a deposit at a post office. Mid-North Coast Correctional Centre Service Description. Why must I enrol to enter the centre Psychiatric services for people who have serious mental health impairments are provided in CSNSW by Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network , which is a part of NSW Health not of Corrective Services. Salary – $76,531. The first inspection took place in 2018 and informed the ICS review of Health Services in NSW correctional facilities, which was tabled in 2021. Mudgee-Goolma Rd Wellington NSW 2820. There are two other facilities on the complex, Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre and John Morony Correctional Long Bay Correctional Complex is located 14km south of Sydney's central business district. It is New South Wales’ largest regional correctional centre and Australia’s first correctional centre to be awarded ISO14001. During 2018, the inspection team inspected the following NSW correctional centres – Outer Metropolitan Multi-Purpose Correctional Centre (OMMPCC); South Coast Correctional Centre; Bathurst Correctional Complex; Mid North Coast Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Dawn De Loas Correctional Business Centre: Custodial Operations Author: Stuart Murray Approver: Kevin Corcoran Date of Effect: Next Review Date: File Reference: D17/381990 Version number: 1. Also located on the complex is Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. NOTE: All efforts will be made to accommodate the creation of VIN’s at short notice; however, please allow Department of Customer Service careers east; Working interstate east; Working and business. There are two facilities on the complex: Long Bay Hospital – a maximum to minimum security facility for medical and psychiatric cases, and remandees. Inspection of Cooma Correctional Centre Page 5 Cooma Correctional Centre (Cooma CC) was built in the 1870’s. The Amber Laurel Correctional Centre is an intake and transit facility in western Sydney. PO Box 3567. The facility accommodates operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive offenders and remandees directly from NSW Police and the courts. 9 MB) Media release Dec 30, 2024 · Find a correctional centre. Aug 21, 2023 · Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre is a minimum-security correctional centre for male offenders located 21 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD. e. The collection for Corrective Services NSW staff covers a wide range of print and online resources with an emphasis on criminology, penology, psychology, sociology, management, education and training. 1 Correctional centres in NSW with El-Ps The entire range of escorted and unescorted El-P may be offered at all correctional centres designated to accommodate C3/Cat1 inmates, see Inmate Classification and Placement - CSNSW Placement Guide. 00 plus Environmental Allowance superannuation + leave loading) This position is open to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people To book a visit, you must be registered and have a Visitor Identification Number (VIN). We’re growing fast and building a reputation as a trusted Various partners including Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA NSW), Greyhound Racing NSW and Corrective Services Industries) A range of programs with partner organisations that focus on imparting skills in working with animals. Why must I enrol to enter the centre Apr 26, 2023 · 2 Inspector of Custodial Services (NSW), ales, June 2020. Bus services also operate from Sydney and Dubbo. > Corrective Services NSW, which generouslyfunded the project > Corrective Services Industries, whichfunded and undertook theprinting of this booklet > Representativesof Redfern Legal Centre,Council on the Ageing NSW andthe Indigenous Social Justice Centrewho attended the focus groupand provided input into the project,and the many agencies that We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. IDATP is offered to offenders at the Outer Metropolitan Multi-Purpose Correction Centre and Dillwynia Correctional Centre. NSW Government Digital Channels. The complex houses the: Silverwater Women's Correctional Centre a Jan 2, 2025 · Alternatively, you can contact the Correctional Centre on Visit booking days by calling on 02 6840 2871 or 02 6840 2800, Mondays to Wednesdays between the hours of 8am Aug 21, 2023 · Mid North Coast Correctional Centre is a maximum-, medium- and minimum- security centre for males and females. You can contact us if you are worried about the health of a family member or friend in custody. The centre can accommodate up to 354 inmates accross four accommodation sectors. nsw. There are three facilities on the complex: Cessnock Correctional Centre - a minimum and maximum-security facility for male offenders. 2 days ago · Locate a correctional centre, find travel directions and confirm contact details. au Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. To apply for a VIN please complete all fields below and forward to . Related agencies Silverwater Correctional Complex is located 21km west of Sydney's central business district. ; Use our online enquiry form. The MRRC is one of 3 correctional facilities that make up the Silverwater Correctional Complex . Learn how to book a medical or 2 days ago · The Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre (MRRC) is a maximum-security correctional facility for male offenders. Management of the medium-security Kariong Juvenile Detention Centre near Gosford on the Central Coast was transferred from the Department of Juvenile Justice to 3 days ago · Corrective Services New South Wales is using full body x-ray scanners to detect contraband on persons entering a correctional centre. au. Altogether, there have been more than 180+ rehabilitation centres, youth correctional centres and prisons in Australia. 30am to 4. These numbers are free 10 minute calls from NSW correctional centres. ; User the search tool to find a Aug 21, 2023 · St Heliers Correctional Centre is a minimum-security institution for males located on the outskirts of Muswellbrook in the Hunter Valley, 242km north of Sydney. General concerns. NSW Correctional Centres that are subject to Operating/Management Agreements (i. Before travelling for a visit, please call the correctional centre to confirm your visit and visiting time. gov. The original gaol incorporating a 1950s extension is a medium security facility that can accommodate 175 people. Legal representatives intending to visit should schedule a booking via JUST Connect or contact the correctional centre as per the booking Amber Laurel Correctional Centre; Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; The MHSU is jointly run by Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) and Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (JH&FMHN) using a multidisciplinary approach. ; Hunter Correctional Centre - a maximum-security facility for male offenders. Salary - $91,705 pa + Incidental Allowance, Superannuation and Leave Loading. The South Coast Correctional Centre houses Oberon Correctional Centre is a minimum-security facility for male offenders. Service Specifications) and operated or managed either by the State or a private service provider Will be required to meet the Service Specifications and Key Performance Indicators as detailed in respective contracts. Your role We are looking for a proactive and dedicated Trade Overseer to work at our Food Services Unit at Goulburn Correctional Centre. Phone The information presented below represents the core visiting times for NSW correctional centres. Legal visits Legal practitioners may visit between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Friday using AVL facilities, Bookings are required to be made through JUST Connect. Mar 8, 2024 · This is the second inspection of John Morony Correctional Centre (JMCC). The visits staff will ask you for your name, Visitor Identification Number (VIN) and the MIN of the person you wish to contact. admin@dcj. Cessnock Correctional Centre is a minimum and medium-security facility for male offenders located on the Cessnock Correctional Complex. Private transport. Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; Clarence Correctional Centre; Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre; Cooma Correctional Centre; Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre; Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training St Heliers Correctional Centre is a minimum-security institution for males located on the outskirts of Muswellbrook in the Hunter Valley, 242km north of Sydney. swccvisitsbooking@justice. Aug 21, 2023 · The Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre (MRRC) is a maximum-security correctional facility for male offenders. The Inspection of Parklea Correctional Centre report was tabled in NSW Parliament and published in June 2022. It's located in far western NSW, 1190km from Sydney. It serves as a reception correctional centre for Tamworth and surrounding districts. 0 Policy summary Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) may restrict or prohibit visitors where necessary to ensure the safety and security of correctional centres. 00 plus Environmental Allowance superannuation + leave loading) This position is open to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 2 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Junee Correctional Centre is a mixed-security correctional centre for males located 450 km west of Sydney. If you visit a correctional centres that accepts digital driver licences, you are still encouraged to bring your physical driver licence in case we have The Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre (MRRC) is a maximum-security correctional facility for male offenders. The complex is a short taxi ride from the train station. The Complex is located in the Hunter Valley, 151km northwest of Sydney and 48km west of Newcastle and also includes Cessnock and Shortland correctional centres. Lithgow Correctional Centre is a maximum-security facility for males located 152km west of Sydney in the Blue Mountains. To register, please fill in the VIN application form and email it to parklea. Aug 8, 2023 · Clarence Correctional Centre is a maximum- and minimum-security correctional centre for male and female offenders. Aug 21, 2023 · Emu Plains Correctional Centre is a minimum-security facility for females located in Emu Plains. It is one of two privately managed correctional centres in NSW. Phone 4 days ago · Other prisons to open around this time were Dillwynia Correctional Centre, a female prison, in 2004, and the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre, a 500-bed facility opened near Kempsey the same year. Key documents and resources Families Wellington Correctional Centre - Corrective Services NSW Home. There are two other facilities on the complex, Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre and Dillwynia Correctional Centre. Visit NSW TrainLink for timetables. NSW Correctional Centres either in person( or via AVL), or who wish to deposit money into an inmate . Inmates studying part-time also engage in Trade Overseer – Food Services 7D - Goulburn Correctional Centre Location – Goulburn Correctional Centre. 18 Correctional Centre Staff Rotation . Street Address. Silverwater Women's Correctional 4 days ago · Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build safer communities. Aug 21, 2023 · Glen Innes Correctional Centre is a minimum-security facility for men located 45km east of Glen Innes, which is 615km north of Sydney in the Northern Tablelands. Services and Programs Officer (Identified Role) Clerk Grade 5/6 Locations – Hunter Correctional Centre Employment Type – Ongoing opportunity Salary – Clerk Grade 5/6 (starting at $97,027. Dept of Communities and Justice. Before travelling for a visit, please call the Tamworth Correctional Centre is a medium security facility for male offenders located in the Northern Tablelands, 397km north of Sydney. au Management & Training Corporation Pty Ltd operates Parklea Correctional Centre on behalf of Corrective Services NSW. Jobse@dcj. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; Clarence Correctional Centre; Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre; Cooma Correctional Centre; Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre; Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. 2 days ago · You can find all Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) jobs on the government website iworkfor. Correctional Services NSW: 1972 [14] n/a: 750: Cessnock: Clarence Correctional Centre: Operational Minimum to maximum Serco 25 July 2020 n/a 1,700 Macquarie Correctional Centre houses maximum-security male offenders and is located adjacent to the Wellington Correctional Centre, 354km northwest of Sydney. Feb 23, 2024 · resources and systems, including the staffing and management of each correctional centre. For further information view Travel Support for Prison Visitors Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Dec 6, 2024 · Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre is a minimum and medium security facility for men located on the Francis Greenway Correctional Complex in Windsor, 60km from Sydney. Nov 4, 2024 · Junee Correctional Centre is a mixed-security correctional centre for males located 450 km west of Sydney. Park Lane Junee 2663. Street address. Amber Laurel Correctional Centre; Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; Community Corrections is the part of Corrective Services NSW that supervises offenders in the community while supporting them to complete their court orders. It is located on the Silverwater Correctional Complex which also includes, Silverwater Women's Correctional Centre and the Metropolitan Remand & Reception Centre (MRRC). The centre is privately managed by the GEO Group Australia. It is located at Aldavilla, 455km north of Sydney and 14 km west of Kempsey. Hunter Correctional Centre is a maximum-security facility for male offenders located on the Cessnock Correctional Complex. Chaplains work alongside other professionals in correctional centres to ensure that the needs of the whole person are being addressed. Access to a legal information research service. Call 13 77 88 Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm (Sydney time). CSNSW has banned smoking for staff, inmates Corrective Services operates Australia’s largest prison system, responsible for about 9200 inmates across 31 correctional centres. Inmates in NSW correctional centres do not have access to the internet which greatly restricts the delivery of distance education courses and the inmate’s ability to undertake research. Postal address Jan 10, 2025 · Mid North Coast Correctional Centre is a maximum-, medium- and minimum- security centre for males and females. A minimum-maximum security prison for all genders. The Complex is 2 days ago · The CDTCC is an interagency collaboration between Corrective Services NSW, Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network and Drug Court NSW. Jul 2, 2024 · Corrective Services NSW runs the state’s correctional centres, supervises offenders in the community, and delivers programs to reduce reoffending, support reintegration and build Feb 6, 2023 · Find out the prison in which a friend or family member is located. 2 days ago · The Wellington Correctional Centre is adjacent to the Wellington train station, on the Central Western Line, is 7km from the centre. Forensic mental health services provide assessment, care and other services to people with mental illness who are, or have been, in contact with the criminal justice system. The Centre is located in South Nowra NSW Public Service Association president Nicole Jess said Wellington Correctional Centre often lacked the minimum number of staff needed to supervise inmates in the yard. The inmate’s designated centre is known as the ‘centre of classification’. Find out about the NSW correctional centres that support inmates with special requirements. We inspected Parklea CC in November/ December 2020. A detection of contraband will allow Corrective Services to enhance the safety and security May 7, 2024 · It is pleasing to see that Corrective Services NSW moved promptly to address some of the issues identified at the time of the inspection. By 1991, the NSW Government executed a contract with Australasian Correctional Trade Overseer – Food Services 7D - Goulburn Correctional Centre. 4 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. com. It manages newly arrested or charged inmates as well as those who have been refused bail and facing court. Phone (02) 6924 3222. In addition to holding sentenced inmates with various security classifications Dec 9, 2024 · This entry level course is the first step for all Custodial staff taking up employment as Correctional Officers, Overseers and Casual Correctional Officers, within Corrective Services NSW. Chanthivong said staffing levels at Junee prison would remain Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) is an executive agency of the Government of New South Wales, Australia. CRC offers travel support to families and friends visiting Correction Centres in NSW. For visiting hours and more information visit the centre's web page. Clarence Correctional Centre Terms of Reference (PDF, 115. Wellington Correctional Centre Location – Wellington Correctional Centre Employment Type – Ongoing, Full Time Salary – $91,705 pa + Incidental Allowance + Superannuation + Leave Loading Your Role We are currently sourcing a trade qualified candidate for the Ground Maintenance/ Hygiene Overseer position at the Wellington Correctional Centre. The South Coast Correctional Centre houses male offenders with minimum, medium and maximum-security areas. There are train and private coach services that operate from Sydney to Bathurst. Goulburn Correctional Centre is a maximum/minimum security institution for males. It also houses fresh custody remand inmates awaiting placement. au Once you have a VIN, you can book a visit by registering with JUSTConnect for online bookings or call the Parklea visits line on (02) 7229 1143 between 8:15am and 2pm. Postal Address PO Box 386 Wellington NSW 2820. The Centre accepts sentenced and unsentenced felons under New South Wales and/or Commonwealth legislation. ; Accessibility services: If you're d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication difficulty, contact us through the National Relay Service and ask for 13 77 88. CSNSW recognises that visits are important to maintain strong family relationships and make it easier for 1 day ago · How to contact us. ; For translation and interpreter services call 13 77 88. Correctional centres/complexes accommodating minimum security inmates throughout NSW may Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. MTC-Broadspectrum operates Parklea Correctional Centre as a private prison. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise Parklea Correctional Centre is located in the north-western suburbs of Sydney and houses remand, minimum- and maximum-security inmates. The centre is located 12km south east of Grafton and is Aug 21, 2023 · Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre (formerly Outer Metropolitan Multi-Purpose Centre) is a minimum-security facility for male offenders located located 5km south of Windsor. Apr 26, 2023 · correctional centres appropriate to their security classification as soon as a bed becomes available. The centre is privately managed by the GEO Group Australia. Key documents and resources Families Dec 27, 2024 · Goulburn Correctional Centre is a maximum/minimum security institution for males. 30pm - Monday to Friday on (02) 8346 1000. The Wellington Correctional Centre is adjacent to the Macquarie Correctional Centre which houses maximum security inmates. Dillwynia Correction Centre is a minimum- and medium-security facility for female offenders. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from . What factors determine the placement of inmates ? Inmates on remand Unsentenced inmates are generally placed in centres in metropolitan areas and major 2 days ago · The postal address for each correctional centre is available on the list of Correctional Centres in NSW. The men's mixed-security prison has been privately operated by US-owned company GEO Group ever since. For more information on video visits see the Corrective Services NSW website. This policy sets out the process by which all correctional centres must implement this strategy. Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre is a minimum-security correctional centre for male offenders located 21 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD. Wellington train station, on the Central Western Line, is 7km from the Macquarie Correctional Centre. (10) On Wednesday 11 March 2020 Area 5 was officially opened by the Hon. Employment Type – 5x Full-Time Ongoing and Temporary Opportunities available. mcalpin@dcj. The Inspector of Custodial Services may consider any other relevant matters in the course of this inspection including contract management and monitoring by Corrective Services NSW. Aug 21, 2023 · Silverwater Correctional Complex is located 21km west of Sydney's central business district. New COVID-safety measures apply to in-person Nov 17, 2024 · Mary Wade Correctional Centre is a maximum-security facility for women. The Inspector made 40 recommendations within the report. To use Services and Programs Officer (Identified Role) Clerk Grade 5/6 Locations – Hunter Correctional Centre Employment Type – Ongoing opportunity Salary – Clerk Grade 5/6 (starting at $97,027. 00pa Working for Corrective Services NSW provides lots of opportunities to make a real difference. Visiting times and locations of NSW Correctional Centres; Deposit money into an inmate account; Top of page north. The complex houses the: Silverwater Women's Correctional Centre a maximum security institution for women and the major reception centre for female offenders in NSW. General and Visit inquires email: mnccc. To obtain a VIN, There are three correctional facilities on the complex: the John Morony Correctional Centre, a medium security correctional centre for remand and sentenced male offenders; the Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre (formerly Outer Metro Multi Purpose Correctional Centre), a minimum security correctional centre for men and For more information about the role at Dillwynia Correctional Centre or what it’s like to work for DCJ, please contact the hiring manager Emily Jobse on 02 4582 3895 or at Emily. Australian Capital Territory. Or download the Corrective Services Visits factsheet. We are looking for a proactive and dedicated Trade Overseer to work at our Food Services Unit at Goulburn Correctional Centre. All persons seeking entry into a NSW correctional centre where biometric verification is a condition of entry. To help you prepare for a for visiting someone in custody in a NSW Correctional Centre, we recommend you view Visits information from Corrective Services. 4 KB) 2 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) welcomes family and friends who wish to visit NSW correctional centres. Summary CSNSW is committed to the strategy of custodial staff rotation at all correctional centres on a six (6) month cyclical basis. First, enter your MIN followed by your PIN, then choose option 2. It is located om the Goulburn Correctional Complex in the Southern Tablelands, 197km south-west of Sydney. The complex is operated by Corrective Services NSW, an agency of the New South Wales Government Department of Communities and Justice. Parent Organisation. NSW Mid North Coast HACC. Fiona Rafter Wellington Correctional Centre (CC) is a multi-classificationcorrectional centre for male and female inmates. Emu Plains Correctional Centre and Dillwynia Correctional Centre, New South Wales. West To do so, you must call the relevant correctional centre where the inmate is located. Public Service Association of New South Wales and Community and Public Sector Union (SPSF Group) NSW Branch acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we work and the places in which we live. For John Morony Correctional Centre, please contact Andrew McAlpin on 02 4582 2174 or at andrew. To obtain a VIN, Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Junee Correctional Centre is a prison in Junee, Australia, The ensuing years saw extensive community consultation by both Corrective Services NSW and NSW Public Works as the government went about selecting an appropriate building contractor and final operator. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from 3. It sits on the Francis Greenway Correctional Complex (formerly the John Morony Correctional Complex) located 5km south of Windsor, in Sydney. Then press the CADL number you want, below. A multidisciplinary team at the Centre ensures treatment, Oct 10, 2022 · Bathurst Correctional Centre; Broken Hill Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Centre; Cessnock Correctional Complex; Clarence Correctional Centre; Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre; Cooma Correctional Centre; Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre; Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training 2 days ago · Concerns about inmate health. There are two other facilities on the complex, Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre and John Morony Correctional They are independent under NSW legislation and have access to correctional centres through the accreditation and/or approval of the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW. The complex serves as a reception prison for western NSW. CSNSW is responsible for the state's prisons and a range of programs for managing offenders in the community. Legal representatives intending to visit should schedule a booking via JUST Connect or contact the correctional centre as per the booking information to 4 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Sessions include the key result areas of Organisational Administration and Management, Safety and Security, Offender Management, Weapons and Officer Survival Sep 11, 1992 · MTC Australia began operating Parklea Correctional Centre on behalf of Corrective Services NSW in 2019 as a private prison. account. To confirm the inmates location (if unknown), Inmate Locations can be contacted from 8. View all NSW Department of Communities and Justice jobs - Cessnock jobs - Program Officer jobs in Cessnock NSW; Salary Search: Service and Program Officer (Identified) We also support people with mental health and gambling concerns and those transitioning from correctional centres. Inmates who arrive at the MRRC: Apr 26, 2023 · G. John Morony Correctional Centre is a medium-security facility for male offenders. We sometimes conduct recruitment advertising campaigns for the roles of casual correctional officer, trade overseer and community corrections officer. It will allow select legal practitioners to interview clients housed in nominated NSW Correctional Centres without having to invest in expensive video Dawn de Loas Correctional Centre is a minimum-security correctional centre for male offenders located 21 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD. visits@mtctrains. . Mary Wade Correctional Centre is located in Lidcombe, 19km west of Sydney central business district. The services provided include correctional centre custody of remand and sentenced inmates, parole, pre-sentence reports and The Kariong Correctional Centre located near Gosford, on the Central Coast of NSW, is an intake and transit centre for classified inmates transitioning between Sydney and the NSW north coast. Find a Correctional Centre 3 days ago · The centre is privately operated by MTC-Broadspectrum on behalf of Corrective Services NSW. Before travelling for a visit, please call the Parklea Correctional Centre is located in the north-western suburbs of Sydney and houses remand, minimum- and maximum-security inmates. Find out how to support an inmate by making a deposit into their account. It is located on the Cessnock Correctional Complex in the Hunter Valley, 151km north-west of Sydney. Psychologists in CSNSW work in partnership with Justice Health to manage people with mental health impairments and other health-related The Silverwater Correctional Complex, an Australian maximum and minimum security prison complex for males and females, is located in Silverwater, 21 km (13 mi) west of the Sydney central business district in New South Wales, Australia. Shortland Correctional Centre is a maximum security facility for male offenders. Place a call to an inmate or send a letter or parcel. It was one of two privately managed correctional centres in NSW. A Visitor Identification Number (VIN) is required for individuals who want contact with inmates at NSW Correctional Centres either in person, by telephone or AVL. Junee Correctional Centre was opened by the state government in the Riverina region in 1993. This page is managed by. 3 days ago · Cessnock Correctional Complex is located in the Hunter Valley, 151km north-west of Sydney. Location – Goulburn Correctional Centre. Cessnock Correctional Centre Health Clinic . 2 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Inmates who arrive at the MRRC: Goulburn Correctional Centre is a maximum/minimum security institution for males. The centre is in Marrangaroo, which is seven kilometres west of Lithgow on the Great Western Highway. Owing to resource implications, legal visits at most correctional centres are by way of appointment. ; Metropolitan Special Programs Centre (MSPC) – a maximum/minimum security facility. Employment type – Ongoing 7D. We promote offenders' safe In total, the Network provides healthcare in 42 Correctional Centres and 1 Transit Centre in NSW. mrrc-visitsprocessing@dcj. 3 days ago · Cooma Correctional Centre is a minimum- and medium-security facility located 1 hour's drive south of Canberra, 410km from Sydney. Correctional Centre is a maximum-security facility for women and the major reception centre for female offenders in NSW. Anthony Roberts MP, Minister for Counter Terrorism and Corrections. Postal Address. What's happening keyboard_arrow_right. Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. Currently, Courts, Corrective Services NSW and Youth Justice staff use JUST Connect to manage and coordinate court appearances. Phone (02) 6542 4300 Kirkconnell Correctional Centre is unable to accept NSW Digital Drivers Licences from visitors as a form of identity. Page 8 Inspector of Custodial Services Annual Report 2020-21 2 days ago · Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Academy is an enterprise registered training organisation delivering nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level. huh lhi exg ogozii ztnthh ihjii uscv gtg ictdp duebuh