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Exec source executable file not found in docker ubuntu. Provide details and share your research! But avoid ….

Exec source executable file not found in docker ubuntu docker exec. go:346: starting I want to start a Docker-container with Oracle XE and then run an SQL script (ddl. /run. --Edit--I've tried running the /main binary from within docker and the Alpine distro can't find it to exec it: Trying to build a website using docker, kubernetes and helm. docker run -d \ -p 5000:5000 \ --restart=always \ --name registry \ -v The output of dpkg -s demonstrates that docker-compose is not installed from a package. If I execute all the steps separately, everything works: $ docker run -d --name db -- In case anyone continues to run across this problem, it's likely due to the package manager on the image's underlying OS specifying a version of node that's so old that it doesn't include npm. Everytime I start a container after my build I get: As @flavio said, the build system for the official images on the Docker Hub appears to be having some problems. 0-ce-tp5 Storage Driver: aufs Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs Backing Filesystem: extfs Dirs: 1038 Dirperm1 Supported: true Logging Driver: json-file Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs Plugins: Volume: local Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay Log: Docker - How to execute unzipped/unpacked/extracted binary files during docker build (add files to docker build context)--I've been trying (half a day :P) to execute a binary extracted during docker build. yml and run docker compose up directly. 01 image as running image I just wanted to test something out real quick. You signed out in another tab or window. Hence, it’s better to just delete it so that it’s not misleading your config. Shell. sh. The order of args goes: docker ${args_to_docker} run ${args_to_run} image_ref ${cmd_in_container} Everything after ubuntu in your command goes to the command trying to be run. Trust me, you've already solved 50% of the problem yourself by self-analysis. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. zip -d /tmp/setup/a/b Within directory b is a By default, if using the net package a build will likely produce a binary with some dynamic linking, e. GitHub community articles OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux. 2. 0-base nvidia-sm The default name of configuration yaml for docker compose is docker-compose. cli": executable file not The docker-init binary wasn’t anywhere to be found on the host system. The current Docker documentation describes a simple way to generate a secret with htpasswd:. sh script is wrong, it's must be #!/bin/bash. Here is my docker file, IMPORTANT - ubuntu package docker is something entirely different ( avoid it ) :. cd is a built-in shell command, you can't set it as the command to run. x). 04. I want delete containers in docker (Ubuntu 22. I don’t know what a “docked executable” is, but if someone mistyped “docker” in a script and it is Docker, then install Docker. The larger set of instructions might be useful to you, but each Stack Overflow question and its answers should be about only one narrow, specific technical problem; steps followed to solve different problems belong to answers attached to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company It seems to not set environment variables properly. Without more information from you there are at least two possibilities: docker-compose simply isn't installed at all, and you need to install it. Your shebang line in start. sh in root /, which does not exist. / prefix (see example below) As other answers have said, Docker doesn't emulate the entire Windows OS that you would need in order to run an executable 'exe' file. There are two solutions I've come across: Disable CGO, via CGO_ENABLED=0; Force the use of the Go implementation of net dependencies, netgo via go build -tags netgo -a Hi Background: I’m slowly getting into building images myself. sh” chmod is a golang:1. My goal: I would like to add name. You can rename compose. which docker && docker verion. In the list of files I can see the script I want to execute I BELIEVE this is a permission problem - the file is not executable flagged. $ docker run --rm test bin boot var $ docker run --rm test "ls etc" adduser. The one thing that helped was to chmod 755 if want to run Docker Desktop in terminal, should run: systemctl --user start docker-desktop. If there is an entrypoint like /bin/sh, then your command will need to be -c "command". statically link by viewing the result of ldd output. Alternatively try running it with docker run -it NAME and see what happens (if it works, or at least starts the executable, with docker run then the issue is with your compose file). / in front of the name. DockerfileJenkins: Stack Exchange Network. install all its dependencies directly on ARM board, copy the binary and run it. If you control the source, then it's best to fix the permissions there to avoid a copy-on-write operation. apt update apt install wget After discussing this with a coworker we mused that apt update is likely not run in order to save both time and space in the docker image. Otherwise, if you cannot /bin/sh: 1:home/simple/Main: not found. And make sure you aren't mounting a volume over top of where you expect your command. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Hello, I am new to docker & not familiar with Linux OS. There's not really anything "in" this Docker image (especially, it doesn't contain any part of your application); can you use Conda without Docker for this task? – Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog @KristiJorgji, /usr/src/app is not /var/www/app. install docker engine on ubuntu. Just in case, to be able to execute type as you expect, it would need to be part of the path. Hi every one, I’m working on put and run my_script in a docker container using Dockerfile, At first i applied “chmod +x my_scrpt. Run the docker-compose file. Create one docker file named as "DockerfileJenkins" 2. This probably may take some time, but should ensure that the executable is binary-compatible with target environment (if not - you will receive errors like "file not found", etc). My OS is Win10pro & I am using Docker-for-Windows. Expected Behavior Packer build to succeed just like it does on my local machine Current Behavior Packer build always fails with the same error, despite Docker being available in the Github Actions VM Steps to Reproduce Github Actions Wor Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. exe . I would add appropriate RUN commands to install whatever packages you want (sounds like you want nginx and supervisord to both be in the container?) to your Dockerfile. The problem I’m having: I’m building “successfully” a Caddy image with simply adding the module(s) or using xcaddy. 3. io_24. When writing a Dockerfile, it's better to test the commands in a container with /bin/sh As result, this problem was only in latest version of Docker (lxc-docker package, version > 1. Visit Stack Exchange I think we would need to see the docker-compose file to answer this. The steps described on Digital Ocean seem right, but I just took a quick look at it. The yml file is the following: name: Scheduled Publish on: schedule: - cron: '22 4 * * 0' workflow_dispatch: e I had this problem recently where apt install wget does not find anything. Also, make sure docker is running. 9. And you are all right !!! when tried with other image, works perfect (louislam/uptime-kuma:1) So, how can I fix it for the portainer image from outside container, if can’t access thru terminal? I think there are a couple problems with this setup. from Windows filesystem. If I run bash in interactive mode, grunt is available. Since I don't have your docker-compose setup, here's a docker setup that may be similar: I've written the following Dockerfile which is supposed to run an arbitrary command (by providing one through arguments of docker run): FROM ubuntu:20. @yuvron, Either ENTRYPOINT [ "dotnet", "aspnetapp. sh ├── Dockerfile ├── Gemfile └── Gemfile. I have removed this package, and install docker. com> # update dpkg repositories RUN apt-get update \\ && mkdir -p /root/docker RUN apt-get install -y wget ADD (base) daniellombardi@Daniels-MacBook-Pro MyApp-test % docker run bd /bin/sh: 1: python: not found The Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip RUN pip3 install flask RUN mkdir /MyApp-test ADD folder /opt/MyApp-test EXPOSE 5000 CMD python . I'm running Docker on Windows ("Docker Toolbox", not "Docker for Windows"). sh & 1 dockerfile files I can download. which opened a network folder in which I had to copy all my projects from "c:\dev" ie. If you want to have type executed as a builtin shell command, this means you need to execute a shell /bin/bash or /bin/sh and then execute 'type type' on it, making it Had the same issue a few minutes ago. I am not using docker. The node. Couldn't find this exact issue, but from what I've gathered from similar issues is that &quot;make&quot; isn't a command on windows, so I can't see any rational relationship between any of these steps, except maybe step 10, and mysql not being in the PATH. So of course you cannot run the debian build binary in alpine image. sh to run the start. This doesn't directly answer your question, but it's another way to approach the problem. How to include files outside of Docker's build context? discusses this further, though it's impractical to pass the Docker images are pretty minimal, but you can install ping in your official ubuntu docker image via:. When I try to run it it says that the /main file doesn't exist, even though it is there: $ docker run -p 8081:8081 -it metadata exec /main: no such file or directory Is this a bug in docker? I'm running docker 20. main. g. 0. Great question. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Hello maintainers, I am having some issues running nvidia-docker, despite following the instructions listed in the README. It said something right at the beginning which I don’t understand & completely lost. 04) I try like a user, and like a root: otherwise, I get the same result. Unfortunately the message is not clear enough. sh) that you need the path to Have you tried removing the image (docker rmi) and docker pulling again?Make sure to remove all tags that point to the same ID and any images that are FROM it so that the layers actually get deleted. 4 LTS. I was using sudo, which was due to a problem I encountered after I upgraded to WSL2 - I had to run all docker commands with sudo. FROM golang:${GOLANG_VERSION}-alpine as build-helpers For now, ignore the warning. conf Note the " around ls /etc . You signed in with another tab or window. bashrc file, so those "activate" lines don't really do anything. As you can see from their example (below), you can copy your Gemfile. So I did not start from scratch but wanted to make some adjustments to existing dockerfiles which would be preferrable for my usecase. py" If you want to see the output make sure to add the -i flag as shown above. Docker-proxy will be needed while you are applying -p flag in docker run. sql A very small size dump . conf"] worked, but failed on ubuntu when building, now with quotes around all parts the command works on ubuntu. There is no /usr/bin/command. dll" ] or ENTRYPOINT [ ". You can fix it by changing the loader that your executable uses, see my thorough answer in this other question: Multiple glibc libraries on a single host Basically you have to find which loader it's trying to use: That is indeed what issue 27102 report:. Reload to refresh your session. on windows docker, `CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord -c /myconf/supervisord. 10. You have to use the absolute path like /app/bin/docker-entrypoint. I tried everything to get it working, and then reinstalled WSL switching to Debian. cpp. if want to use docker engine, this will help. Note: On the internet, you pretty much find replace credsStore with credStore as a solution, however, the credStore is not a valid config key, so the only reason this works is because you are deleting the credStore entry. sh file is executable: chmod a+x docker. After this,checkout the version and executable file. I am trying to build an open source project. I've found a workaround by switching to another base image (Ubuntu based) Here is the new working Dockerfile : # podman/docker build -t libredwg . /compose. It’s look like this: FROM ubuntu:16. If this isn't working, I assume you are using Rider, and you will need to configure Docker again, as this was the case for me. If you want to use another file name: Use . 47. I could not start a Sagemaker training job (locally or using an AWS instance). EDIT : For a complete solution, please see the @valiano'response. errors. Docker Daemon command dockerd not found on latest stable Docker for Mac and Docker Toolbox (this is for mac but also applies on Windows) Docker for Mac should probably print a different message, also, we may need to check if the CLI is on the same "host" as the daemon, and print a different message based on that You signed in with another tab or window. When I run the command I found here: docker exec -t your-db-container pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`. Shell # command which echo /usr/bin/echo # which echo /usr/bin/echo # docker exec. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Create docker-compose file for Jenkins Server. I generally find that having all the "install foo" bits at the start and all the "configure bar" bits at the end works out pretty OK. cli&quot;: Ali's solution worked for me but I was having trouble finding the bin folder location. WORKAROUND. yml up I do believe the container is sourcing the php71-paths. FROM ubuntu:latest RUN mkdir -p /home/simple COPY . 604395535Z] scheme One of the things that makes Alpine images tiny is a different C library, but this can result in strange compatibility problems. /start. bin. however, my dockerfile is not running an executable which is local, and I can not figure out how to add my local executable into my container's /bin directory. 14 is not alpine base but debian base. linux@linux-linux:/$ docker info Containers: 14 Running: 14 Paused: 0 Stopped: 0 Images: 1091 Server Version: 18. Updated. 04 desktop. NET 7 samples, unless you changed the publish command in your Dockerfile. Using CMD instead of Entrypoint; Using ubuntu:23. 09. 1. Here's a modified version of the linked answer for a Dockerfile: # This is needed to update the OS' package manager so that # the current version of node will be installed: RUN Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Without the quotes, the argument /etc doesn't seem to be passed to the ls command as I might expect. (Or, maybe there is some magic place it could go, but it wasn't clear to me how to find out what location would work -- none of /bin /snap/bin /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin worked for me. The project has 2 . The yml file is the following: name: Scheduled Publish on: schedule: - cron: '22 4 /bin/sh: 1: source: not found No problem with git clone but with source in a /bin/sh shell. This is the image the Docker Compose and Rails quickstart tutorial uses. exe into the /bin directory of my container. 21 on Ubuntu 22. sh file from current directory. sql I am able to get executable file inside the docker. #include<iostream> int main(){ std::cout<<"Hellow World"; return 0; } I compile this with : `g++ -o Main main. conf alternatives apt update-motd. cpp` Dockerfile. Being a shell builtin wouldn't help because as you said, you don't want to execute /bin/bash -c 'type type'. Docker was not found in my Jenkins Server. Steps to reproduce the issue docker run --runtime=nvidia Docker-compose - failed to init repo at /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-build-git290746704: : exec: "git": executable file not found in $PATH Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. If it is not the typo, but “docked” is supposed to be an executable, ask the maintainer of the script. yml instead of . There is no other concerns. My dockerfile contains roughly: COPY setup /tmp/setup RUN \ unzip -q /tmp/setup/x/y. In general, when you have a problem different enough that existing questions' answers can't be applied, ask a new question (with a proper minimal reproducible example, showing how you tried to apply those existing questions' answers, and how those attempts failed, to prevent your new question from being I hade CompileDaemon working in my golang app before, but it stopped working on my WSL Ubuntu. Tensorflow installed in an Anaconda environemnt, works well using my GPU (GTX 980). Working code: 1. You have to use: docker exec -i compassionate_mclean bash -c "cd /root/python && python myscript. Not Working When I then pull the The file not found can be from: the file actually isn't there, check for typos, make sure you aren't trying to run a quoted command and all the arguments together when you should only be running the command (not this issue, but seen it many times). Its all about Open Source and DevOps, here I talk about Kubernetes, Docker, Java, Spring boot and practices. Don’t use GitBash. So to fix that, we need to install docker along with Jenkins Image. list in my home dir / Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Permissions Issues: Insufficient permissions can also cause this error, particularly if your user account lacks the necessary rights to execute Docker commands. Try replace. js Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The point is in the last line. There is no need to edit PATH Variables when downloading to the "Docker Toolbox" folder. And since /mydir isn't in your path, you need to tell Docker to look for the script in the current directory by adding . Here is an example of docker-entrypoint. e. I then tried things again and it still says command not found even after installing it two different ways: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company 1. You see, when you use an official Docker Image for Python, your Dockerfile is built on a pre-defined image; a Python Image in this case (or, just imagine that you're extending that base image with your own custom commands/layers). /aspnetapp" ] should work as they are both output by dotnet publish from our . In this case however, you can simply run python as your entrypoint: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. If you have a script or any other sort of program you want to run, the best practice is generally to package it into an image and then run a container off of it. sock to docker: group docker not found INFO[2022-09-19T12:50:17. However, there's another tool that may do something similar to what you want: "Wine" app from WineHQ. /app: not found Dockerfile app run. One notable thing about Docker is that it's very possible, and in some places intentionally good practice, to build a container that has only one executable, the application the container exists to support. So in my case I had open "Ubuntu for Windows" and execute explorer. Docker-proxy is a executable file after docker engine installation, just like dockerd. Working When i pulled osticket by campbell software solutions and set it up with a mariadb in docker-compose and it works. docker run myapp The second step: did you try to run this binary on the target machine without Docker? I. ) FYI, I ran into this same issue running in an alpine-based docker image. with. I was getting docker. That is my only idea based on the limited information you shared. sh"] instead in ENTRYPOINT or CMD , but it doesn't help. I had the same issue. 04 MAINTAINER user <user@mail. sh run start. sh, by running chmod +x start. ├── Dockerfile └── resources │ ├── file1. 8. I simply copy as you are doing The default file permission is whatever the file permission is in your build context from where you copy the file. Steps To Reproduce follow install instruction bin/npm --version Expected Result retrieve the version of npm installed in the container. 0-shaded) and modified the sample program from the README to use the hello-world:latest image. sh: #!/bin/ash exec "${@}" and here is the "whole" files structure:. 1). Issue or feature description Issue on installing nvidia-docker on a Ubuntu 16. Even checking the output log, I cannot figure out any directions to fix this issue. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Docker provides an official Ruby image. However my concern is that the executable named php71-php-fpm doesn't actually exist on your image. Build docker container on M1 Mac. It works properly on my Mac OS but stucks on production on Windows. Just follow the next if want to run Docker Desktop in terminal, should run: systemctl --user start docker-desktop. You also must set executable permission for start. Above example will help you out. If you have any images that are derived on library/opensuse (FROM opensuse:<tag>) then you can fix those as well Two things: Make sure the file is marked as executable. In your case -it. Docker: Container command '/bin/sh' not found. The Dockerfile you referenced is meant to be used as parent image for an easy dockerization of your application. /home/simple CMD home/simple/Main Docker commands docker build -t myapp . I just want to add a few more details. Show detailed listing # ls -lh copy the folder to internal dir and add executable bit. 04 RUN apt -y update &amp;&amp; apt-get -y up Stack Exchange Network. sh: line 2: . I’m using portainer-ce:latest. – Thanks for contributing an answer to Ethereum Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the question. Now everything is fine. I also tried run . In case you're are still having the issue, we just had the same issue on our cluster, the "dirty" fix is to do that: rm /run/nvidia/driver ln -s / /run/nvidia/drive kubectl delete pod -n gpu-operator nvidia-operator-validator-xxxxx Sure sounds like it. I found in a gnu Makefile on Ubuntu, (where /bin/sh -> bash) I needed to use the . sh From the output of ls command, we can find app exists, but it seems sh cannot find it. I used to: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash source FILE Now I wanted to do: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID source FILE and was surprised that the error pops up: exec: exec: "grunt serve": executable file not found in $PATH. The executable was a 64-bit ELF, and the alpine image was 64-bit, and the executable worked in a different container. . A quick way to find the path on Mac OS X is to open psql (there's a quick link in the top menu bar). issue following to view what if any packages you have mentioning docker. Fund open source developers The ReadME Project. yml. Once built, Angular is just a series of static files, and it would be much cheaper to use cloudfront or S3 static hosting ERROR:Cannot start service cpanel_client: invalid header field value "oci runtime error: container_linux. ├── bin │ └── docker-entrypoint. sql) to create some tables. py and for anyone wondering, this is the code on main. Thank for that. yaml; Add relative path to command: docker compose -f . Here is just a workaround that I've found before reading the @valiano'response. 7-0ubuntu2~20. As it turns out apt update was never run. systemctl status docker Describe the bug I created a github action for publishing periodically a docker image. docker. yaml to docker-compose. lock It's not clear what the command inside the container actually is. sh” in “myfolder” before i add it in the container. If someone encounters the very same situation. "Bash: Docker: Command Not Found" in Red Hat "Command 'docker' not found" in Debain Causes of the Error Here is the solution and the best practice: You need to create a resources folder where you can keep all your files you want to copy. 604382640Z] parsed scheme: "unix" module=grpc INFO[2022-09-19T12:50:17. go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"sudo\": executable file not found. I wanted to source a file in a docker container running Ubuntu without going inside the container. 04 but when I run any docker command in the terminal it gives the following error: exec: "com. Always use the official documentation first: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Docs Not just in case of Docker but to install any software. -> Docker container worked as expected; Build docker container on M1 Mac for x86, run through Rosetta -> Docker container worked as expected; Build docker container on x86 Ubuntu Desktop -> Container worked as expected; Editing Dockerfile. I'm assuming (based on the contents of start-server. As it uses the existing Python image, it Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog Not at all, there are times when Docker in AWS is great, but using Docker to serve Angular is really over the top. could not change group /var/run/docker. go:195: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" means that either the executable is not found or one of its required libraries is not found, which Attempting to run command fails from docker exec, but not from an interactive shell. Where is bundler installed? Normally you would apt-get install ruby-bundler and it would always be on your path. mkdir auth docker run \ --entrypoint htpasswd \ httpd:2 -Bbn testuser testpassword > auth/htpasswd The newly generated file auth/htpasswd can later be used in the registry image:. Solution. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. FROM groovy:2. Running the example: docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10. The docker command line is order sensitive. 6 RUN mkdir Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Provided by: docker. As stated above, I was unable to find it Select Topic Area Bug Body Describe the bug I created a github action for publishing periodically a docker image. dpkg -l|grep docker if only match is following then you do NOT have docker installed below is an unrelated package $ sudo docker run -it app_test . I've built an image with a rails app inside. – Provided by: docker. “Make sure the docker. Then I would like to have a docker file that is I am running Arduion IDE 1. 12 on Ubuntu 18. So I ran a docker container and I wanted to check which version I was running: $ docker run -it ubuntu root@471bdb08b11a:/# lsb_release -a bash: lsb_release: command not found root@471bdb08b11a:/# So I tried installing it Description I have started testing the latest docker-client (8. io package (v. Most paths in Docker don't read a . Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company As mentioned by others, this is because the loader can't be found, not your executable file. You have to set them also when running docker exec, like: docker exec brave_noether bash -c 'export env_vars; decomposePar ' Now the problem is that OF doesn't recognize controlDict in spite of located correctly. You need to use the . After Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company You must use . 1_amd64 NAME docker-container-exec - Execute a command in a running container SYNOPSIS docker container exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG] DESCRIPTION Run a process in a running container. So maybe you should try it with root, or chmod for all executable files of docker. /start. However the stdout from the container has the following: rpc error: code = 2 I needed this because everything in my container's bash executed really slowly. js Docker hub page notes: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I hit a strange issue here. You can inspect dynamically vs. sh file if run with /bin/sh -l -c as evidenced by printing the environment variables in the container using envwhen it's running (PATH contains references to php directories). 3. Reinstalling/Upgrading didn’t help. So to dockerize your nodejs application, you'd need to create a dockerfile using the docker image created by said dockerfile. sh OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: standard_init_linux. I ran into a similar issue using wsl2 on windows 10 while trying to locally invoke an aws lambda function. On the page you link to there are two examples: the first builds and runs the application in a FROM golang:alpine image; the second builds FROM golang:buster and then runs the application in a Debian-based image. That is known to break Docker Desktop. This is why you get no such file or directory, which is somewhat misleading, as it does not say which file is not found — the linker, not the program itself. command, as well as specify the target script with a . Provide details and share your research! But avoid . It is based on scratch, meaning it is an empty image and some content is addedd as separate tar files, so we can’t tell what it does, but it seems there is no shell in the image since it does not I'm trying to run docker desktop on my ubuntu-22. To run a Just check the source dockerfile. py 1. d xattr. /app directly or use ["sh", "run. credentials. Running which docker-credential-desktop showed no results. I am trying to compile Example code for ESP32 Camera module (standard camera module with default example on Arduino IDE) and I got this error Docker works with long-lived immutable images and short-lived containers. We've pushed the images to the opensuse/ namespace with the form opensuse/amd64:<version>. After that nothing worked, and Fabrício's answer saved the day. FROM golang:${GOLANG_VERSION} as build-helpers. C:\dev> docker ps -n 1 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 93eb09dcde3b ubuntu "/bin/bash" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes peaceful_knuth C:\dev> docker It is based on scratch, meaning it is an empty image and some content is addedd as separate tar files, so we can’t tell what it does, but it seems there is no shell in the image since it does not need one. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I want to run my docker container with environment variables with the --env-file option, like mentioned in the docker doc: docker run command I've tried creating a file named env. docker ps -a docker container ls exec: &quot;com. I believe your immediate problem is that you're overriding the CMD from the Dockerfile with the command in the fig. You can only COPY files that are located within your local source tree; you'll need to cp the files outside Docker space. 604294293Z] libcontainerd: started new containerd process pid=89 INFO[2022-09-19T12:50:17. txt │ ├── file2. apt-get update -y apt-get install -y iputils-ping Chances are you don't need ping on your image, and just want to use it for testing purposes. lock into your image and run bundle install without having to worry about RVM. InitializationError: docker-credential-desktop not installed or not available in PATH when running sam build --use-container. There is already a standard groovy image so your Dockerfile can be something as basic as:. Visit Stack Exchange I am running docker under ubuntu 18. Since you say Docker is installed, the first one cannot be the problem. Then in Ubuntu for Windows I Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. to libc. Upon further inspection I found that Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. What you want instead is to pass -it to "run" so that you get interactive input with a tty terminal associated. Given that ls does not have lots of dependencies, chances are good that the trick you try to do will work with containers having glibc -based systems inside: Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly After installing Docker Desktop I can’t sign in: exec: "rundll32": executable file not found in %PATH% I'm trying to build 4 images with docker-compose by using a Ubuntu base and my problem is that the endpoints script fails because python executable isn't found in 3 of the images: celery_worker, Skip to main content Attempting to run command fails from docker exec, but not from an interactive shell. What am I doing wrong? Here is my Dockerfile: may you try to build However, when we run the Bash’s source command using the same method, it fails, saying that it cannot find the source executable file: $ docker exec -ti ubuntu source set-env. So presumably the trimmed alpine libraries were not compatible with my executable. So there may genuinely not be a /bin/sh but then, if that's the situation, running the container as the folks who built it intended would be invoking whatever In particular it appears that docker login does not have access to the user's PATH environment variable and thus it cannot find the docker-credential-pass executable no matter where you put it. command is a shell builtin. Sorry for the inconvenience. (dot) command instead. main. 5-0ubuntu1~22.